I also volunteered for Ruth and Vic. The volunteers helped them run the Graduate and Industry panels. The set up was much like question time with the Graduate panel being past students of Bucks New Uni who are mow working in the Marketing industry.
Graduate Panel
Siobhan Sleet, Senior Account Executive, Primal PR http://www.bwpgroup.com/
Rob Millett, Account Executive Mindshare Worldwide http://www.mindshareworld.com/
Abi Cooke, Business Development Manager, Wates http://www.wates.co.uk/careers
Kate Taylor, PR Manager, Oxford Business Group http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/
Kim Button, Marketing Consultant, QuoteMyJob http://www.quotemyjob.com/
Tim Harvey, Account Executive, Leo Burnett http://www.leoburnett.co.uk/
Members of this panel agreed that the best way to attract an employer after graduation was to gain as much work experience as possible before hand, work for free and get your name out there. Also to send your CV to as many companies as possible and be persistent.
Industry Panel
Sue Elms, Executive Vice President, Millward Brown http://www.millwardbrown.com/
Sue Unerman, Cheif Strategy Officer, MediaCom http://mediacom.com/
George Hutchinson, Board Director, Burson-Marsteller http://www.burson-marsteller.com/
Rik Haslam, Group Creative Architect, Rapp http://uk.rapp.com/home/
Matthew Chapman, International Service and System Innovation Director, Billets http://www.ebiquity.com/uk/billetts/
The Industry panel consisted of top industry leaders.The role of marketing in the 21st century was described as all about the brand and many of the industry panel who were questioned agreed that the most important aspect of marketing was to build a relationship with consumers with a strong brand through relevance, interest and engagement. The panel also argued that advertising was fading and public relations are getting stronger. There are a growing amount of companies now that primarily use public relations to promote their products rather than the traditional use of advertising.
You could put in lionks to the companies that were there and include any interesting quotes